Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Party For Your Mouth

I didn't necessarily intend for my first real post to be about a toothbrush, but I'm in the middle of an exhibition install and I'm tired. Really, really tired.

I have been using the Mentadent toothbrushes since college. I think Tara Lee had all of Stoddard Hall using them in 97-98 (and oh my goodness that was 10 years is that even possible?). I remember laughing as she posted long letters claiming how the toothbrush massaged your mouth and your teeth would never be happier. Didn't we all pose for a picture with our toothbrushes? I think we were going to write a letter to the company to see if they would sponsor our dorm, but I am pretty sure it was one of those fantastic ideas that never happened. Anyway, I really liked the product, but it just isn't readily available anymore--at least not at my local Duane Reade and definitely not at the corner deli. I've been disappointed in my toothbrushes for at least a year now (you didn't know I cared so much, did you?), but I have finally found a fantastic replacement. My gums have never felt cleaner, my teeth are happy and this may be a little too much information for my first blog post, but my tongue feels pretty fresh too. The Colgate 360, people.

It is a pretty slick toothbrush with an added tongue cleaner on the back. (I just checked the website and I stand corrected. It is a tongue AND cheek cleaner. Win Win.) Go out and get yourself one--you know you're due for a new toothbrush. You won't regret it.


Julie said...

I've never commented on a blog, so Emily feel honored that yours is my first. I have never felt so informed on anyone's cheek cleanliness before. Keep up the good work! -Julie

m said...

ah, tara lee and the toothbrush. those were the good ol' days... i put a link to your blog on mine! xo, michelle

Matt said...

Didn't you guys try to get oral B to sponsor Stoddard Hall? I can't believe you shifting your loyalties...

Anonymous said...

i just bought this tooth brush and it is quite an experience.