Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I Apologize

I have been called out for not updating a remarkable number of times in the past two weeks. Honestly, I didn't realize that anyone was actually reading this thing...so I will try to be better.

Here's a quick recap of my fall addictions:

1. The strike has put a damper on my television-watching, but my co-workers and I are obsessed with The Biggest Loser. Thank you to my sister for making me start watching. Tonight is the finale and I am looking forward to seeing the contestants after their time at home. I want Trainer Bob to help me out--the women scare me a little (ok, a lot).

2. Kookaburra Licorice. It is from Australia and it is DELICIOUS. I dare you to try and eat only one. For you New Yorkers...you can get it at Fairway and maybe Trader Joe's? And for those of you who say you don't like licorice--this tastes nothing like Twizzlers or Red Vines--it is super soft and ....I don't know. Just go get some.

3. Emerald Green. I want to paint my entire house in green and the Banana Republic ads are not helping any.

This is going to have to do for the moment because I am being kicked out of my office. I will try and be better. I have some plans for the blog. Happy Holidays!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Hard to Believe

I realize I haven't yet written about my trip to Costa Rica, but I honestly am still processing. It was fantastic. I can say that. Also, hard to believe, but this video is me! ...Rappelling down a 120ft waterfall! I did it TWICE. It was amazing and terrifying at the same time.

I don't know why it is making the video sideways...that's annoying. If anyone knows how to fix it, let me know.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Let the Sun Shine In

There have been a few times since I’ve lived in New York where I have had an experience that has felt larger than myself. Where I thought, “I was a part of that.” I went to the 40th Anniversary concert of HAIR in Central Park tonight and it was …spectacular. I can’t pinpoint exactly what it was and maybe upon further reflection I will have a better description or perspective, but it almost seemed like a wake-up call. It was a goosebumps, eyes-welled, dance-in-your-seat experience that I don’t think I will forget for a long time.

The audience was absorbed from the opening notes and I spotted a couple of people having eyes-closed, head-swinging experiences to the music. …And it isn’t surprising…the cast was unbelievable. They were young and vibrant and incredibly engaging. I found it difficult to take my eyes off of Will Seward and Jon Groff (as Berger and Claude)—I found myself looking for them on stage if they weren’t the lead singers. They both had an intensity and an earnestness that was captivating.

Anyway, prior to tonight my experience with HAIR was somewhat limited. I was aware of the history of the show, I knew a few songs (thank you Marie’s Crisis), but honestly, my knowledge comes mainly from Head of the Class when they put it on as the school musical and the end of 40-Year-Old Virgin. I was caught completely unaware by the anger that was always near the surface and I had no idea that by the time Sheila and the Tribe hit the beginning notes of “Let the Sun Shine In” –the climax of their begging the world to stop the war—I would nearly be in tears. It was a moment where the hair was standing up on my arms, there were tears in the eyes of the cast, and people around me stood up and began dancing. Unbelievable.

And it makes me think…about my place in the world and my worry for my generation. Are we doing enough? In 1967 the United States was in upheaval from race relations, war, a disassociation between parents and youth and where are we today? The issues seem eerily similar, but our actions or inaction seem radically different. Is it that action would require too much involvement, too much effort? That’s how it seems. The other night Stephen Colbert’s word was “solitarity”—he was joking about how today’s youth* wait for things to happen, be posted on YouTube and then take action by writing on their blogs (touché). What happened to marching in the streets? Is it too hard? I don’t have an answer and I know I fall into the complacent category quite often—but what is the first step?

In 1967, the end of Vietnam was still seven years away. When is the end for us in 2007?

*Okay, so maybe I’m nearing 30….but I am considering myself “youth”. Some days it is still hard for me to think that I am no longer eighteen.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

What I Did On My Summer Vacation

So you've come to learn that I am a liar. Why is it so hard to sit down and write a little blog post? In an effort to catch all four readers up...this is what I've been meaning to write about for the past month.

1. Harry Potter. I have got to admit, as happy as I was to get my life back after being attached to the books for two weeks...I was a little sad to let Harry go. Do you ever go through reading phases? I always have a book at the ready, but I go through spurts where I read non-stop. The Harry Potter phase was exhausting. I really enjoyed the seventh book--I had predicted some of what happened, but was pleased with all of the surprises.

2. So You Think You Can Dance. Best summer reality show, in my opinion. I wanted Neil to continue dancing without a shirt on and Sabra to win. I got one of the two....Actually, I think my co-workers are happy for this to be over because I would make them watch my favorite routines on YouTube every Thursday. Can't wait for next summer!

3. Mad Men. It's on AMC...start watching it. ...Although you may get lung cancer from second hand smoke just sitting in front of your television. I'm convinced that the actors should be getting hazard pay.

4. Dengue Fever. I am pretty sure I am going to get it while I am in Costa Rica next week. Or at least it will be my excuse for why it takes me another month to write.

5. DiFara pizza. Delicious. It is like going into a restaurant and having your grandfather make you your lunch on the spot. I have to admit. I preferred Johnny's Pizza in Mount Vernon. DiFara--still ridiculous. Thin and crispy (it was just a little too oily--Grandpa Dom pours olive oil on the pizza at two separate intervals-- and the final sprinkling of parmesan was a bit too pungent, but probably still some of the best pizza I've ever had).

6. Facebook. Holy crap. That's all I can really say because, who knew? That thing is addicting.

I have a few other things in the hopper that I want to talk about...so we'll see what happens.

P.S. Happy DVD Release Day for The Office, Season 3. Go out and get your copy today!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Apparently I have been missing out...

You guys...

I'm obsessed with Harry Potter. Not as obsessed as Julie, but obsessed. I read the first book a few years ago and thought, "meh"--so never bothered to pick up any of the others. I've changed my tune. I was walking down Broadway the night of the release and saw all the people lined up outside of Barnes & Noble dressed up and ...I'm gonna admit...I got a little misty (it doesn't take much). How great is it that people are lined up for a book?! People of all ages sitting on the dirty New York sidewalks for hours to be the first to get their hands on a copy. So Saturday, I sat down and reread Book 1. It was enticing! It was enjoyable! What Debbie Downer crack had I been smoking before?! Then, by pure luck...I was struck with a bit of the crud...enough to keep me home from work on Monday and Tuesday...today is Thursday and I am a quarter of the way through Book 5. I have been a reading machine! Last night I watched So You Think You Can Dance (the best summer television, IMHO--did you see Neil disco?) with one eye on the television and the other on my book (I'm a multi-tasker). I needed to finish Book 4 before I went to bed. I need to get this out of my system. The space between my thumb and forefinger is sore from holding big ass books for five days.

In other news, I made the mint ice cream and I am a bit disappointed. Or maybe I like processed mint chocolate chip too much. I am not a huge fan of fresh mint as it is and the ice cream turned out quite....earthy. Like mint with a side of dirt. I'm going to have to try it again with some tweaking. I'm thinking peach is next.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Vanilla for Everyone

Apparently everyone is supposed to master a vanilla ice cream recipe....and if everyone is supposed to do it. Well, I might as well. The ice cream was incredibly easy to make. I opted for the custard version--craving something creamy and hesitant that not using eggs would make it icy. Eaten straight from the ice cream maker, the ice cream was light and flavorful. I ate more the next day and after a night in the freezer the mixture was much denser and I think I liked it even better.

The pie I made from peaches from the Green market, but apparently three pounds of fruit wasn't enough (granted, one turned out to be rotten inside and had to be thrown out and the fruit was quite finicky). I was hoping that the corner store would have frozen peaches to fill out the filling, but to no avail--so frozen blueberries did the trick. Delicious. The crust was flaky and buttery (thank you Joy of Cooking) and the fruit was still slightly tart. I was quite proud of myself.

In honor of Suzanne--I am making mint ice cream this evening. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Ice Cream Dreams

I made an impulse purchase at the beginning of the summer...

...An awesome, red ice cream maker, which I have to admit...I've only used once and with only a semi-successful result. The watermelon sorbet I attempted turned out to be quite icy and I haven't been home enough since to try again. But, inspired by the book The Perfect Scoop by David Lebowitz and this picture on Apartment Therapy, I am going to give it a go this weekend.

Any requests? Recommendations? Ice cream clearly isn't on the sugar/dairy/gluten/ fun-free diet I have been subjecting myself to for awhile, but it's summer. ...and the machine is shiny and red and begging to be used.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Oops!....I Did It Again

Oops, I did it again.
Forgot there's a blog, I've got to update.
Oh sorry, sorry.
Oops, I think it's a sign
That I procrastinate
I'm not that good at this!

Whenever I type "oops!...I did it again" (don't you type it all the time?) I have to say it in my head in the voice of Jack McFarland from Will & Grace. "Oops. I. Didit.again. I playedwithyourheart." Did y'all see that episode? He and Grace are learning the steps to the Britney video?

I digress. I am back and ready to keep you informed of...I don't know what. Since my last post I have eaten poutine in Montreal after almost dying while whitewater rafting, seen a river on fire in Providence, and spent a lot of time with family in Minnesota and Ohio. Oh! I also got a year older. Countdown to 30 begins. I am happy to be back in New York for a while before heading out again...even if it is insanely hot and stinky.

I'm serious this time. I'm going to keep updating.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Signs of Summer

Before the smell of urine and garbage takes over the steaming streets of New York in July and August, much more pleasant signs of summer...like street fairs and days in the park, occupy your weekends. Or they would if you weren't working insane hours. Today is the Amsterdam Ave. Street Fair and we took a respite from installation for fresh air...and of course, street fair corn. Some people get all fancy with honey butter, or mayonaisse (gross) and jalapeno butter, but I prefer straight up butter, salt, and pepper.

Here is my question for all of you four readers...why all the sock vendors? I have to say, I just don't get it. I've heard of people who only buy their socks at street fairs. What is this phenomenon? I don't think it exists in Ohio. Today, as we were walking the fair, I counted at least one sock vendor on each block....and one underwear vendor too.

Friday, May 18, 2007


When I was thinking about the form I want this blog to follow, I knew that some part of it had to be about cooking and food. I talk with friends about what Ina (we're on a first-name basis) made on the food network, I experiment with new ingredients I find at Fairway and green markets and I have recently begun baking cakes...I'm now in charge of birthdays at work. What I didn't consider when thinking this through is that I would be working twelve hour days and walking around in panic-driven flop sweat (that's a story for another day). I'm stealing away 10 minutes to type this during my "lunch break," which really doesn't exist.

Matt and Julie challenged me to perfect the souffle this year and I have only made one--albeit absolutely delicious. I managed to make a batch of quinoa salad on Sunday that has lasted me through four meals this week and my dinner last night consisted of ten stale animal crackers with peanut butter. Anyway, I am hoping to get back to the souffles, cakes, and semi-vegetarian cooking soon, but it is going to take at least another week.

In the meantime, my boss has been very generous this week with providing food to keep us alive during the installation and we have been grazing on delicious mezze platters. Yesterday's spread was filled with dried fruit and nuts, salami, spelt pretzels, and grapes. Today we actually squealed and clapped when a platter filled with blue corn chips and Fairway guacamole showed up with insanely delicious olives, cheeses and fruit. I actually don't think I have ever had olives this good before--a lot of rosemary, and something else...mellowed the sometimes bitter flavor so all that is left is salty goodness.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.

As a committed television-watcher, May is a tough month for me. Season finales, series finales, there is a lot to watch and it only signals the upcoming wasteland of summer reruns. Due to Matt and Julie's insistence last year, I caught up on The Office over the summer--only to be completely addicted by the brilliance of the show by the beginning of this year's season. My co-worker, Tom and I look at each other on Friday mornings and start laughing--dropping some completely insane quote from the previous night's episode. I think it is pretty rare to have a show that is so consistently funny, with moments of outrageousness and cringe-worthiness that I haven't experienced with any other show. Seriously...how does Michael get away with that stuff? The recent episode where he stuck his finger through his fly to "flash" the office? Oh my God. I wanted to curl up in a little ball and DIE, but it was so fantastic.

But I have to say this, writers and creators of The Office...

Will you let Jim and Pam get together already? The angst and sexual tension is driving me nutso. I don't think I can go through another season of who likes who. We need those two as a prank-pulling, super-team. The distance throughout the season has been so disappointing....and my local coffee shop agrees.

A Party For Your Mouth

I didn't necessarily intend for my first real post to be about a toothbrush, but I'm in the middle of an exhibition install and I'm tired. Really, really tired.

I have been using the Mentadent toothbrushes since college. I think Tara Lee had all of Stoddard Hall using them in 97-98 (and oh my goodness that was 10 years ago...how is that even possible?). I remember laughing as she posted long letters claiming how the toothbrush massaged your mouth and your teeth would never be happier. Didn't we all pose for a picture with our toothbrushes? I think we were going to write a letter to the company to see if they would sponsor our dorm, but I am pretty sure it was one of those fantastic ideas that never happened. Anyway, I really liked the product, but it just isn't readily available anymore--at least not at my local Duane Reade and definitely not at the corner deli. I've been disappointed in my toothbrushes for at least a year now (you didn't know I cared so much, did you?), but I have finally found a fantastic replacement. My gums have never felt cleaner, my teeth are happy and this may be a little too much information for my first blog post, but my tongue feels pretty fresh too. The Colgate 360, people.

It is a pretty slick toothbrush with an added tongue cleaner on the back. (I just checked the website and I stand corrected. It is a tongue AND cheek cleaner. Win Win.) Go out and get yourself one--you know you're due for a new toothbrush. You won't regret it.

Is this thing on?

So as you can see from the date of my last post--I am committed to writing this blog. I am trying to figure out what format it is going to take, but rest assured I will discuss my daily addictions, cooking, celebrity, television....anything else I happen to have an opinion on at any given moment. Stay tuned...