Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Oops!....I Did It Again

Oops, I did it again.
Forgot there's a blog, I've got to update.
Oh sorry, sorry.
Oops, I think it's a sign
That I procrastinate
I'm not that good at this!

Whenever I type "oops!...I did it again" (don't you type it all the time?) I have to say it in my head in the voice of Jack McFarland from Will & Grace. "Oops. I. Didit.again. I playedwithyourheart." Did y'all see that episode? He and Grace are learning the steps to the Britney video?

I digress. I am back and ready to keep you informed of...I don't know what. Since my last post I have eaten poutine in Montreal after almost dying while whitewater rafting, seen a river on fire in Providence, and spent a lot of time with family in Minnesota and Ohio. Oh! I also got a year older. Countdown to 30 begins. I am happy to be back in New York for a while before heading out again...even if it is insanely hot and stinky.

I'm serious this time. I'm going to keep updating.

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